Sunday, October 3, 2010

15 Months Old!

Like his mom, he's a bit obsessed with cleaning!

I am not sure where to start with my update, since I feel like I haven't posted any text in quite some time. As you can see from the pics, Dash's training program is going extremely well! I will post the pics of him scrubbing the floor and cleaning the toilet later. Just kidding, lest anyone think I am serious, although Dash does enjoy getting his hands on the toilet brush. We have had to move it out of reach.
Dash goes in for his 15 month well child exam this Wednesday so I don't have a current weight for him but we think he is hovering around 28 lbs. He has definitely slowed with the weight gain but still has a belly and some creases here and there (he still has tan lines in his wrist folds). He is still heavy to hold for an extended period. Luckily he likes to walk now that he can!
Dash has starting really talking over the last two weeks. We don't know what he is saying half of the time, but he is making many different sounds, and we occasionally catch a word here and there. He generalizes some labels of things. For example, anything round is a "ball" (he calls an apple a ball). And apparently any girl/woman besides his mom is "Dora" (he was calling his aunt Dora all weekend....the little girl he shares our nanny with is named Dora). Dash seems to understand many more words than he can speak, and he can seem to follow simple requests.

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