Friday, January 1, 2010

Six Months Old Today!

Happy New Year! Dashiell is six months old today. It seems hard to believe as it feels like the time has gone by so fast. He continues to grow....we won't have his official weight until his six month doctor's appointment but we estimate him to be approximately 23 lbs. He is moving much more these days. He still mainly likes to roll over from his back to his belly (he has been doing this in his crib a lot) but can shift around about 360 degrees when he is on his back. On hard wood floors he moves even better and seems to be almost able to push himself backwards with his arms.

Dash has been doing really well with learning to hold himself in an upright position unsupported. He was using his hands to start but now can maintain his balance pretty well now without them. He does occasionally topple over (there were a few collisions with the floor...he doesn't quite know how to get his hands out to break the fall)...we have started putting the boppy cushion around him so he won't hit his head on the floor.

We had started solid food right after Dash turned five months. However, we took a bit of a break because he wasn't showing a ton of interest, as evidenced by his pushing the food back out with his tongue. Not much was getting swallowed. But we have revisited solids in the last 10 days and it turns out that Dash has been quite excited to try new foods (and his bib!). While rice and oat cereal haven't been huge hits, he has tried avocados, sweet potatoes, and peas and has gulped them down.

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